Data Realms Fan Forums

Big Drop MK2 - Holy crap, it's finally here!
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Author:  billi999 [ Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Big Drop MK2 - Holy crap, it's finally here!

Just a word before I start.
A while ago I left these forums due to an incident which I would not like to go into detail about. I can assure you that since then, I have changed a lot. I am more mature and have learnt my lesson. Also note the post count - this is irrelevent due to Thor's rampage of deleting my mod topics before he was banned (that's why none of the mod links in my sig work)
Anyway, on with the scene:

The long awaited sequel to the old scene is finally here! There has been a large amount of progress since version 1. It now has working backdrops (though they aren't that great). It also has a proper terrain at the bottom rather than a bar of mega metal. the bunker has been moved down to allow for dropship and rocket gibs to pile up. The platforms have been completly been remade with an indoor area with the brain bunker at the top. This means the enemies will not always be looking up but now will be looking at the brain, so there is more of a challenge. X wrapping has been disabled so you don't get hit by your own bullets.

Don't Forget to play on death mode :D !

There may be a MK3!

Author:  grenade [ Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big Drop MK2 - Holy crap, it's finally here!

Well come back home . Dl'ed i'll test it now .

Author:  Roy-G-Biv [ Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big Drop MK2 - Holy crap, it's finally here!

I was a big fan of this map.
This was the only map I'd play in the past.
Anyways, welcome back and dl.

Author:  Shakken [ Sat Nov 22, 2008 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big Drop MK2 - Holy crap, it's finally here!

I really want to use this map, I do. But....


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